It is a little bit Spring(ish) in Glasgow at the moment, and in Castlemilk Park, the wildflowers are most definitely indicating spring is in the air!

The snowdrops have been carpeting the woodlands for a while now. The daffodils are getting ready to flower, plus, wild garlic is sprouting, lesser celandine is growing, and, before long, the bluebells will be next to make an appearance.
Left to right: Daffidols, Hazel Catkins, Wild Garlic, Snowdrops, Lesser Celandine

I've read that just 10 minutes of nature exposure has a positive impact on your wellbeing, and I certainly felt it walking along the river looking for the dippers that dart around. I didn't see anything this time, but if you have a look on Castlemilk Park’s Facebook page below, someone did and their shots are great! It might not have been my lucky day for dippers, but there were plenty of other birds throughout the park singing away. I managed to photograph a treecreeper for the first time, along with a camera-shy goldfinch! He just wouldn’t move away from behind those branches. The rain was off and on, but it didn't distract from a lovely morning.

The view over Glasgow was awesome from the Daffodil walk, even with the grey rainy skies.

Left to right: Robin, Blue-tit, Goldfinch

There were some Fungi firsts for me too. I spotted a perfectly round Collared Earthstar ( I think), Brittle Cinder, Velvet Shanks (Pics 1,2,3) and came across the most interesting fungi on mossy logs, stumps and trunks. I think the second last photo might blue stain fungus or something similar. Whatever it is, I’m looking forward to going back next week to investigate further!
Several of these species I will need to research further to ID. If you have any clues to what any of them could be, please let me know!

An Activity for a Rainy Day
With my eldest back at nursery, we’ve been out in the morning more; and in all weather! It's so easy to stay in the house when you don't have to go anywhere. It's been more rain than sun lately, and that hasn't been all bad. We've been taking puddle pictures using the phone; taking photos of the reflections we see in them. These turn out to be very abstract, especially with some random flipping and cropping!
The children are great to do this with; being smaller, they have different points of view. I urge you to try it on a wet day.

It doesn't need to be puddles because park benches and shiny bins/ railings create even more abstract results.
Also this month....
We’ve yet to see any moths or butterflies, but on the way to nursery we saw a 7-spotted ladybird in the leaf litter, woken up from the milder weather.

This reminded me to get our Orange-tip pupae into a larger container, for when they emerge. It would be fabulous if they make it!
A couple of days ago, we were privileged to have clear skies to witness the second ‘full’ moon of 2021. I'll finish up with a photo of the ‘Snow Moon’ rising if you missed it.

Thank you for reading, please subscribe for more Glasgow’s urban wildlife & all things nature-related!
Emma this is amazing , going through your pictures and honestly the work your doing is fab. its educating me in a big way .
love it
Hi I’ve had more time to look at your photographs and read your articles and information that you add to them. I and others find your articles informative the birds inflight photos are amazing the detail of their feathers wow. Looking back over the months there has been many interesting finds that I’ve never seen before and to be in your local park ! Thank you.
Thank you very much! ❤️
Hi Emma pics are fantastic as usual well done they are all lovely ,especially loved the magpie one and the puddle pics loved Jared’s well done my boy .Park really seems to be coming alive after the cold wet winter ,loved the pics of birds and fungi too such an abundance of different species.We had a visit from a lovely butterfly the other day on the decking it was brown edged wings with yellow sorry didn’t get a pic for you as it had gone when I got my phone but so pretty ..Have fun exploring the park and look forward to seeing your next post and photos take care .well done kids
Beautiful photographs, What a vast variety it has certainly kept you busy. Well done 👍